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For a limited time, it will be also included NANDOboard +
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you can’t access the training material without it*). Here the
document sample that must be signed and sent to
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Are you a Student
25 years old?
It is your lucky day! Check out the 50% discounted EDU edition!
✅ This is a self-paced training. You will get all you need delivered at home and you will be able to study it at your own pace and whenever you want without time constraints. ❤
ABOUT THE TRAINING:- Go from Zero to Hardware Hacking Hero while Building Your Own Hacking Lab! (You will receive a Printed Workbook of 200 pages, a cool Hardware Hacking Kit worth 300EUR [including the LIMITED EDITION of BRUSCHETTABOARD!], Videos Recordings of the Training about both Theory and Practice, 350 Slides of the course and much more!)
- A full hands-on workshop with more than 40 Practical Lab Exercises!
- Hours of recorded Videos Walkthrough and Lessons
- Course Slides covering multiple topics (eMMC, NAND, UART, I2C, JTAG, SPI, SWD, Fault Injection Attacks, Electronics, PCB Reverse Engineering, Exotic Exploitation TTPs, etc.)
- Get your hands on the WHID’s Challenge Coin* and certification* that will grant you the title of Certified Hardware Hacker (*once passed the exam).
ABOUT CH2: Certified Hardware Hacker- One Free Exam Attempt Included
(valid for 1 year from the day of the order)
- Not Expiring Certification
- No Renewal Fees
- 45/60 Minutes Video Call Exam (about training material, exercises & homework)
- This course is aimed at students who have some experience with AppSec, Linux OS & Pentesting, but want to learn more about Electronics, (De)Soldering components, Reversing Circuits, Attacking Embedded & IoT Devices, etc.
- If you are comfortable using a Linux Shell and know how to use a screwdriver, you should have the background knowledge required for this course.
- Within the training, there is a dedicated part about Electronics 101 and Practical Soldering exercises!
TRAINING EXPECTATION:- Jump into the marvelous world of Hardware Hacking and get ready for your first professional IoT and Embedded security audits, researches or 0days bughunts.
- Very Technically-Oriented Hands-on Exercises (because getting your hands dirty with real stuff, is better than just reading a book)
- Learn a variety of tricks & TTPs that will make your life easier during a security audit against IoT/Embedded devices.
- Learn the basics behind: Electronics, MIPS/ARM Architectures Emulation, Reverse Engineering PCBs, dumping eMMC/NAND/NOR memories, how to hunt & use: BootStrap Pins & Debugging Protocols, etc.
- Learn how to properly design and threat model a Secure IoT product.
* In case of failure in delivering the signed NDA and proof of identity, there will be delays in the shipping or a refund of the amount paid, deducted of the Stripe's transaction fees.